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Guns & Burning Rubber: The Iron Brotherhood series Page 2

  “She cost us a pretty penny, but poor Colin’s shit with the ladies,” he confided to Kara in a booming voice that was probably originally intended to be a whisper. “We’re making side bets on how long until he blows!”

  How long until what? Already regretting this decision, Kara looked back down at Colin as he pumped under the stripper - and then she realized what Gimli was talking about.

  Colin was still wearing his shirt and a leather vest, stained with unnameable fluids, but his blue jeans were down around his ankles, crumpled up with the belt spilling out. His boxers were on top.

  The man was ass-naked on the couch - and his equipment, poking up from between his legs, was buried deep inside the moaning woman on top of him! He had pushed aside her G-string and had plunged himself deep inside of her!

  Colin wasn’t getting a lap dance from a stripper.

  He was getting a very public fucking from a hooker!

  Shocked, Kara dimly felt her mouth fall open. Gimli, glancing up at her (she had at least a foot and a half of height on him), mistook this expression for interest, or perhaps arousal. “Yeah, well, Cross is lucky that he’s got you,” he said to her in a quieter tone. “If we wanted to get Colin someone as hot as you, hell, we’d be all out of party money for the next couple years! But he’s happy as a pig in mud - or maybe the other way around, eh?” he joked, trying to elbow Kara in the ribs (it ended up down closer to her hip).

  Kara opened and closed her mouth, but there didn’t appear to be any sound coming out. What the hell was she supposed to say? This was disgusting, but somehow, she couldn’t quite manage to tear her eyes away, as the hooker gyrated and groaned with Colin’s member buried deep inside of her…

  Another hand landed on Kara’s back, and she jumped, almost screaming in surprise. She turned - and saw Cross, standing behind her.

  “Enjoying what you see?” he murmured to her, his voice much quieter than Gimli’s attempts at a whisper.

  Thankfully, Kara allowed Cross to lead her out of the living room. “That’s- that’s a hooker!” she gasped in disbelief.

  “So?” Cross asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “It’s illegal!”

  “It’s a fair transaction,” he countered. “She wants money, he wants to get laid, and there’s no secrecy or lying involved. Seems like the best approach to me.”

  Before Kara could say anything more, Cross bent in a little closer, peering at her. “Wait a minute,” he said, his tone sounding unexpectedly surprised - and pleased. “I recognize that blush on your cheeks! You’re turned on, aren’t you?”

  Was the man crazy? Kara was most definitely not turned on! Sure, the sight of Colin enthusiastically slamming into the hooker might have reminded her of how long it had been since she’d last had a man pounding into her - and those moans made her think of her own moans when Cross had been kissing her in very intimate places a couple of nights previously - but she was most definitely not aroused by the sight of a hooker fucking a biker!

  The blushing and sudden heat coursing through her body was just a false little illusion, and it didn’t mean anything.

  “The lead,” she stammered, frantically trying to change the conversation.

  Cross looked back at her. “What?”

  “You said that you had a lead for me,” Kara pressed, now taking the lead as they crossed over into the kitchen. She walked over to grab an empty glass, filling it up with water from the sink and taking a long drag. “What is it - or were you just messing with me?”

  “Love, I’d never mess with you,” Cross replied smoothly, wrapping one hand around her waist and tugging her in a slow turn until she was up against his chest. The man’s leather was still warm from the sun’s rays, and he felt good pressed against Kara. Really good. Especially when his arm slid possessively around her waist and kept her close…

  No. She stepped back to put a few inches between them.

  “Than what’s this lead?” she pressed.

  Cross sighed, shaking his head at her. “You’re all business, no pleasure, aren’t you?” he asked, lifting her glass of water out of her hand and taking a sip himself.

  “I am when I have a case to solve.”

  “Okay, okay.” Cross set the cup back down on the counter, and put his other hand on her hip as well. Kara didn’t let herself get pulled back in against the big hunky biker, but she didn’t step away, either.

  “It turns out,” Cross told her, “that I’ve got a friend of a friend, who happens to himself be a friend of a couple Hellraisers. He’s not actually a member, but he’s trusted by them, and he’s been to a few of their meetings. He also helps them out with some of their more illicit ventures,” he added, giving Kara a meaningful nod.

  It wasn’t much, she had to admit - but she didn’t want to tell Cross that it was still better than any other leads she still had left. “Does he know about the gun running?” Kara asked, not yet letting herself feel much hope.

  “He says that he does. I don’t know how much he knows, whether it’s anything more than what you’ve found out already, but it might be what you need.”

  There was a prickle of hope in Kara’s chest, but she stamped it down mercilessly. Wait until she actually had the information in her hands, she told herself. “So when can I meet him?”

  Cross looked a little uncomfortable. “Keep in mind, this is the friend of a friend - it takes a little bit to get these meetings set up, especially when I’m bringing along a ‘friend’ of my own,” he cautioned, giving Kara’s hips a little squeeze at that last ‘friend.’

  “So how long?”

  The man shrugged. “My buddy’s supposed to give me a call tonight, hopefully with a location for tomorrow,” he said. “So maybe a day or so before the meeting.”

  Kara groaned at that. More delays, delays everywhere. “Well, it’s better than nothing,” she tried to say, not even managing to convince herself that she was okay with having to wait.

  Cross gave her hips another squeeze. She really ought to brush his hands away, Kara thought to herself. But it did feel nice, a little comforting, so she let them stay. “I’m sure we can find some way of making the time pass faster,” he commented, his tone sounding innocent - far too innocent.

  She didn’t break away, keeping eye contact with him. “Oh? What exactly do you have in mind?”

  The man didn’t reply, but his grin widened, and he switched his grip from Kara’s hips to scooping up her hand. With a gentle tug, he led her out of the kitchen, his grip just tight enough so that she had no choice but to follow him down the hallway and up the stairs, towards the second floor of the house.

  What in the world did Cross have in mind? Kara wasn’t sure that she could trust her guesses as to what might be on his mind. But knowing the man, it was going to end up being something rough, crude - and somehow still utterly alluring to her...


  “Hah! Take it from me - you can’t get away!”

  Gritting her teeth in frustration and agony, Kara twisted, her hands flying, but Cross was speaking the truth. He had her pinned down, and she couldn’t manage to dodge as his attack came closer and closer…

  The screen in front of them emitted a sad little bloop as the green shell slammed into the little cartoon race car on the lower half of the screen, and Kara threw up her hands in disgust. The controller she had been holding so closely dropped down, discarded, into her lap.

  “Well, looks like I win again!” Cross cheered, as his own race car sped easily across the finish line, now that he’d taken out his competition. “That’s what, the fourth race in a row? The fifth? I’m starting to lose track!”

  Kara leaned over so that she could throw a punch at Cross’s arm, but even as he winced from the blow, he kept on laughing. “I thought you were supposed to have these killer reflexes, being trained and all!” he called out. “What happened to those? I’m kicking your ass here!”

  “Yes, because I totally have the time to sit around playing video gam
es,” Kara tried to protest. “I’m out at a real job, remember? I can’t just make money illegally and then spend the rest of my time being lazy and playing games!”

  “Too bad, really,” Cross mused. “If you could, I bet that you’d both be happier, and not suck so much at this. I really don’t think that I can keep up the cover of us dating, if you’re always going to be this terrible at racing games. I mean, how could I bear to be seen with you?”

  Growling, Kara leaned over to throw another punch at the man. But this time, instead of dodging away, Cross reached up and caught her fist as she pushed out, giving it an extra tug forward to pull her off balance.

  Compensating for that unexpected pull, Kara put her other hand up to catch her fall, her palm going flat against the man’s chest. Unfortunately, Cross wasn’t prepared to catch both of their weight, and the man’s eyes went wide as he tumbled backwards on the floor, Kara landing on top of him.

  For a moment, they both lay there, both of them breathing hard, Cross still holding Kara’s wrist caught in his grip. Beneath her, she could feel the man’s chest rising and falling, coming up to briefly press smoothly against hers before falling away as he let out the air in his lungs. He was wearing only a thin tee shirt covering his muscular frame, and she could feel the heat of his body soaking through into her own chest.

  Squirming a little, trying to pull herself up from the floundering position, Kara tilted her head back - and stared right into Cross’s big, bright blue eyes.

  Oh, that was a mistake, she thought briefly to herself, as she felt emotion come coursing up through her body.

  For just a moment, Cross’s eyes echoed her surprise. But then, in a sudden and stunning transformation, they melted, those blue chips of ice softening as he gazed deep into her own eyes.

  Cross released his hold on Kara’s wrist, his hands instead sliding around her body, landing on the small of her back, creeping up towards her shoulder blades. The man gently squeezed her up against him, pressing her in closer.

  Closer, closer. Kara felt as though she was falling, dropping in towards the man’s face beneath her with no parachute. Inside her head, she knew that this was wrong. It was a mistake - she needed to stay separate.

  But yet it felt so right.

  She tilted her head ever so slightly to one side as they came together, so that they wouldn’t bump noses. Her lips parted ever so slightly, curling out to meet his.

  The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but there was a hunger underlying its illusory calm. Almost immediately, both of them were opening their mouths wider, clamoring for more.

  Ever so gently, Kara felt the man’s tongue flick out, dancing around hers, touching lightly. She almost laughed at it. This big, strong, powerful man still seemed to feel as though he needed to be gentle with her!

  She pushed back with unusual ferocity, arching her back as she pulled her hips up further against his waist. Her jeans felt tight and confining, holding in her body, and she wished that she could somehow make them instantly vanish.

  As if reading her mind, Cross’s hands slid back down from her back, running over her flat stomach, down to her waist. The man’s big fingers momentarily encountered the snap at the top of her jeans, but that popped open with only a second’s manipulation. The zipper at Kara’s fly undid itself an instant later.

  Ah, that was a bit better! Murmuring wordlessly in approval, Kara flexed her hips back and forth, rocking them up and down on top of Cross’s crotch. She could already feel the man swelling beneath her, turned on and longing for her to be naked.

  Cross’s hands crept upwards, now, easily making their way under Kara’s shirt, pushing it up as they slid up until they encountered the resistance of her bra. Once again, she bent forward, letting him slip around to her back.

  One little twist of his fingers, and that clasp popped open.

  They broke apart from the kiss, both of them gasping in air, as Cross quickly tugged Kara’s shirt up over her head. She twisted her arms to get free, and the piece of fabric landed off to one side, on top of one of the discarded video game controllers where it had also been tossed aside.

  Now naked from the waist up, Kara sat up a little more, staring down between the twin swells of her breasts at the man beneath her. Although the FBI agent was usually in full control, never feeling any concern or reticence, she suddenly found herself struck by a rare burst of self-consciousness. So instead of teasing the biker beneath her, she just paused, waiting to see what his reaction would be.

  This wasn’t the first time that Cross had managed to get the woman topless, but still, his eyes lit up like a little kid on his birthday. “Goddamn,” he whispered, reaching up with his hands to slide them up her stomach, up to cup at the undersides of her tits. “How the hell did you manage to get so hot?”

  Kara opened her mouth to reply, but the words dissolved into a moan as Cross sat partway up, his mouth following after his hands. As his lips wrapped gently around her nipple, giving it a little nibble and suck, Kara heard a soft, needy cry slip out of her own mouth.

  For the last few days, she had been insisting on fighting this powerful, steadily growing attraction to the man currently kissing her most sensitive spots on her chest. It will only lead to trouble, she had told herself over and over. There’s no way that it will ever work - and the man’s a criminal, a degenerate! He needs to stay alert as part of her cover, and getting involved with him would break every single rule in the book.

  And yet, despite all those reasons why this would never work, her desire for him had only grown stronger.

  So now, as Kara ground back and forth on top of the man, feeling him move in sync with her, his hips rising up to press against hers as she bore down, she decided that she couldn’t resist any longer. She had to get some relief from the constant desire, and this was what she desired, so strongly that it drove all other thoughts out of her mind whenever the two of them were together.

  Kara pulled back, tugging Cross’s mouth off of her chest. For a second, she shot a wild, cockeyed grin at the man - and then, on her hands and knees, she crawled backward, until her head was level with his crotch.

  This time, it was Kara’s fingers that were tugging Cross’s jeans open, hauling them down. Surprisingly, the man actually had a great ass! It was curved in just the right way, suggesting a man who was out doing work, not stuck somewhere sitting in an office for eight hours a day.

  But Kara was focused much more on the front side of his hips, on the big, thick, throbbing member that was waiting for her there, all but bouncing up and down in between his thighs.

  “Is this what you want?” Kara asked, gripping Cross’s thick shaft in one hand, as she tilted her head to peer up at him.

  She could see the man’s abs tighten up as he sucked in a breath, staring down in torn and frustrated arousal at her. “Yes,” he grunted back at her, his voice hoarse with desire. She could feel him itching inside her grip, just dying to plunge deep inside of her.

  Kara wanted to feel that same thing, to feel him take her - but the longer she could stretch this out, the better.

  After all, until Cross got a call from his contact, whoever that might be, she wasn’t able to do anything for her case.

  Might as well pass that time in the best way possible!

  So still watching Cross’s tortured face, enjoying a bit of sick satisfaction at how she had him totally eating out of the palm of her hand, Kara lowered her lips until they brushed ever so lightly against the head of the man’s shaft. At just that little touch, the man groaned, tilting his head back. “God, you’re killing me,” he complained breathlessly.

  With the grin still on her face at that, Kara slowly opened her lips further and further, letting the man slide inside of her mouth bit by bit. He tasted a little of sweat, and the raw smell of him filled her nostrils as she tried to take him in as deep as possible. The aroma was strong, but not at all unpleasant. On the contrary, it contrasted with her own light, much more feminine smell, and it o
nly bolstered her desire for him.

  For a few seconds, she dallied on the man’s cock, her lips sliding back and forth, loving how each motion produced a new groan of agonized pleasure from the man. But Kara couldn’t keep it up for too long, and she could feel a similar flame burning inside of her, growing stronger each moment and crying out to be quenched.

  Finally, she couldn’t take it any longer. She pulled up, sucking in a quick breath of air as her lips came free from the man, and she slowly crawled back up, over his body.

  As she advanced, Cross seized onto her jeans, and hauled them down. As Kara crawled up, she crawled out of the pants, leaving them tangled up down around her knees. By the time she was back up to Cross’s face, where she kissed him once again, her hips and ass were totally bare and exposed.

  Cross eagerly kissed her back, not seeming to care about where her lips had last been before this point. His hands gave her now-naked ass a firm squeeze, and then urged it downwards, down towards where he was waiting to penetrate her.

  Kara grinned, but she let the man guide her down. She was done resisting, she told herself. This was what she wanted, and finally she was going to just give in, to let it happen.

  For just an instant, she felt the very tip of the man’s member pressing up against her, sliding back and forth along the crack of her ass in between her legs.

  Cross momentarily looked a little self-conscious. “Sorry, missed,” he grunted, as the FBI agent atop him slowly settled her naked body down to press against him.

  “Not a problem,” Kara whispered back, reaching down to seize the base of the man’s shaft. She pulled it up, almost semi-conscious with pleasure at the thought of finally feeling it inside of her…

  And then, shattering every emotion and feeling in her mind, a loud, insistent buzzing cut into the moment. Beneath one of her legs, Kara felt Cross’s pocket vibrating as his phone rang, ruining the otherwise perfect moment.